Have you ever wondered what happens to your tolls once they are collected?
Have you thought, “My tax dollars paid for that road, why do I have to pay tolls?” The E-470 Public Highway Authority receives no state or federal funding. Your tax dollars do not support E-470, but your toll dollars do. The operation and improvement of the road is funded entirely through toll revenue. Tolls are the largest source of revenue, which is applied toward bond payments, in addition to the operating and maintenance costs of the road.
Your Toll Dollars at Work on E-470 in 2023
E-470 is proud of the service we provide to our customers as we continually work to improve their journey on E-470. As you make your trip on our local road, we want you to know more about how your toll dollars are spent.
Your tolls stay in Colorado and are invested in the region. Gas taxes, vehicle registration fees and other taxes do not support E-470. E-470 receives no state or federal funding to maintain or operate E-470.
What happens when E-470’s bonds are paid off? Tolls maintain the road after bonds are paid off, similar to ongoing maintenance of a vehicle.